About our classes


We think this school is brilliant in so many ways.      My child has been given the opportunity to stretch his capabilities.  Parent Questionnaire comments

Class Structure
Currently we have four classes in school:
Class 1: Nursery and Year R - Mrs Raynes and Mrs Bishop
Class 2: Year 1/2 -  Mrs Raynes and Mrs McDonagh
Class 3: Year 3 - Mrs Dodd
Class 4: Year 4/5 - Mrs Milward
Class structure may change annually to suit the needs of the children and numbers in each year group. 
Supporting Children's Needs


Each class has access to teaching assistants to support children in the classroom setting, for 1 to 1 work or specialist interventions.  Interventions to support children at Eckington CE First School include Plus one and Power of 2 maths support, Pindora's box, Jimbo fun, guided reading groups, writing support and other support structures for individual needs.


More Able

Following school policy, all classroom teaching staff have identified children that are working at a greater depth through our assessments, planning and observations.  These children are identified as more able and are given targeted challenge through tasks, comprehension, problem solving and other activities.


For more information look under the Key Information and Curriculum tabs.